ASEAN SCP Framework: Implementation Mechanism

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ASEAN SCP Framework: Implementation Mechanism

Sustainable development is central to the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025 calls for the integration of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) strategy and best practices into national and regional policies. Likewise, the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 envisions a dynamic, inclusive, sustainable and resilient economic growth in the region supported by innovation, research and development, green technology, connectivity, and human development, among others. 

With financial support from the European Union and in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme, Asia Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production, The Regional Policy advocacy Component under the SWITCH-Asia worked closely with Indonesia and the ASEAN Secretariat completed the development of the ASEAN SCP Framework with close consultation and participation with ASEAN member states. The ASEAN SCP Framework is envisioned to be an enabler in the progress towards sustainable consumption and production patterns in the region. This recognizes the need for actions to be undertaken across all stakeholders, building on the gains and progress that have been made in the decades of SCP implementation in the region. A regional framework will provide the push for complementary and dynamic actions across the region, and collaborative environment for public-private partnerships and community involvement on SCP and ASEAN Vision 2025.