SWITCH-Asia Regional Networking Event 2019

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SWITCH-Asia Regional Networking Event 2019
Type: Reports
Year: 2019
Language: English
Country: Multi-country
Supporting Asia and Central Asia in Moving Towards an Inclusive Green Economy 

This report summarises the presentations and discussions that took place at the EU SWITCH-Asia Regional Networking Event in Hanoi, organised by the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility in collaboration with the European Commission, Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO), and the European Union Delegation to Vietnam.

The structure of this report is guided by the agenda of the Regional Networking Event. The two-days event that took place in Hanoi, Vietnam, was divided into nine sessions, each with their own theme relevant to Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP). Each session is built around a theme and summarises the main points made by each speaker.