SWITCH-Asia Programme Regional Networking Event 2018

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SWITCH-Asia Programme Regional Networking Event 2018
Type: Reports
Year: 2018
Language: English
Country: Thailand
The 2018 SWITCH-Asia Regional Networking Event was organised back-to-back with the first Programme Steering Committee Meeting and SWITCH-Asia II Programme Launch Event on 20 September 2018. These events were organized in conjunction with the UN Environment Low Carbon Consumption Week, 17 – 21 September 2018, held in Bangkok, Thailand. The Regional Networking Event, held on September 21st, aimed to provide an opportunity for relevant actors working on SCP in the region and beyond to share their experiences, best practices and recommendations. This inaugural year of the SWITCH-Asia II Programme had nearly 200 participants that saw two plenary thematic panels and five breakout expert panels to discuss key considerations of SCP implementation in Asia. This paper-free event was also an opportunity to launch the new SWITCH-Asia’s digital network, SWITCHED-ON to share all event materials.

The Regional Networking Event provided an opportunity to forge partnerships as experiences were shared across several major groups: the three SWITCH-Asia components, including all active grants, national focal points, representatives from the European Union as well as European Union Delegations from SWITCH-Asia target countries in the region, other SWITCH institutions (SWITCH Africa Green and SWITCH to Green), UN staff members and experts from other organisations around the world.