Sustainable Consumption and Production in Buildings: Actions for Scale-up

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Sustainable Consumption and Production in Buildings: Actions for Scale-up
Year: 2025
Language: English
Country: Multi-country
Ideas and examples along the construction value chain

The EU SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component implemented a technical advisory project “Strengthening SCP in the building sector” between October 2023 and January 2024. This project produced comprehensive snapshots based on rapid appraisals of the building sector in Bangladesh, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. Each appraisal involved mapping domestic stakeholders, identifying sustainable consumption and production (SCP) practices, assessing opportunities and challenges, and developing targeted solutions with practical examples to address the challenges. This report synthesizes findings from these countries. While the latter, and the broader Asia-Pacific region, exhibit significant economic, geographic, and political diversity, they share common trends in economic growth, urbanization, and corresponding imperatives for the building sector. This report consolidates these shared trends and presents cohesive solutions to enhance the SCP profile of the building sector across the region.