METABUILD Lessons Learnt

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METABUILD Lessons Learnt
Type: Reports
Year: 2020
Language: English
Informing scaling-up of action in Resource Efficient Cleaner Production (RECP) measures for SMEs

This report shares the key success factors and learnings generated from scaling-up a successful approach to wider contexts. Touching on both the direct industry support component and stakeholder engagement component of the project as well as project management insights, the report is designed to inform future scaling of projects and action in Resource Efficient Cleaner Production (RECP) measures for SMEs. The goal of this report is to support other implementing organizations to successfully set-up, coordinate and monitor comparable multi-country and multi-stakeholder projects. It provides essential lessons learnt on the practical challenges of such aproject, and good practices on the overarching project design to maximize the benefit of multi-partner and multi-country RECP projects for donors, project teams and, most importantly, all different stakeholder groups involved.