Engaging Consumers Towards Sustainable Consumption, Strategies and Experiences from the SWITCH-Asia Programme

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Engaging Consumers Towards Sustainable Consumption, Strategies and Experiences from the SWITCH-Asia Programme
Type: Studies
Year: 2013
Language: English
From the perspective of the SWITCH-Asia programme, consumers can make a significant contribution towards the creation of a sustainable society if they are encouraged and enabled to care more about natural resources when making decisions during purchase, use and disposal of a product or a service.

This study identified a range of strategies and tools that SWITCH-Asia projects use to remove these “barriers” for a shift to sustainable con- sumption practices. These can be categorised to have more of a ‘pull’ (through market demand) and encourage consumers to purchase or use more sustainable products. Or, they can give more of a ‘push’ (through supply), helping to provide a more visible supply of goods and ser- vices that are more environmentally friendly or socially conscious.