Barrier Analysis and Strategies for Ecolabels and Sustainable Public Procurement Implementation

Barrier Analysis and Strategies for Ecolabels and Sustainable Public Procurement Implementation
Type: Reports
Year: 2021
Language: English

The objective of ecolabels and Green or Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) is to influence consumption patterns to minimise the environmental damage caused by production of goods and services. However, this objective is, in many cases, jeopardised by obstacles in their practical implementation. The existence of ecolabel criteria or a SPP policy alone does not guarantee the success and market penetration of green products on an effective scale.

Experience with establishing and institutionalising ecolabels and SPP policies in Southeast Asia (SEA) have revealed repeatedly reoccurring barriers. Many of these barriers are relevant across countries and regions around the world. Thus, the experience gained in one country or region may be helpful to address similar barriers in other countries.

The following compilation of common barriers contains a short description of each challenge and possible strategies for successfully overcoming these, including references to further information and best practices. The strategies presented here are not exhaustive and originate from the authors’ practical experiences in the field of sustainable product policy frameworks.