A Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution: What to Know About INC-3

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A Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution: What to Know About INC-3
Year: 2023
Language: English
Country: Multi-country
Policy Brief

At UNEA-5.2 in Nairobi 2022, 190 states adopted resolution 5/14 and thereby decided to commit themselves to develop a binding agreement on plastics pollution with the goal of concluding negotiations by the end of 2024. An Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) has since been tasked with negotiating this within five distinct rounds of negotiation. After meeting in Punta del Este, Uruguay and Paris, France the third INC is going to meet once again in Nairobi, Kenya from 13-19 November 2023.

The Asia-Pacific region is highly diverse when it comes to possible effects of and potential concerns about the global plastics treaty. Some countries would be significantly more affected by measures that target the upstream in the plastics life cycle (production of plastics and the manufacture of plastic products) than other countries.