
Greening Sri Lankan Hotels

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Greening Sri Lankan Hotels
Hotels in Sri Lanka improving efficiency and embracing green credentials

The Challenge

Exporting cars to international markets requires the industry to also adopt international standards In Sri Lanka, the hospitality sector ranks as one of the most energy intensive sectors and has a high-energy cost. Similarly, the use of water and other natural resources, and the generation of waste, are all high. Becoming resource-efficient, while meeting the diverse requirements of customers, is a challenging task for hotels, resorts and tour operators.

The Objectives

The project sought to enhance the environmental performance of Sri Lankan hotels and to increase their market acceptance by promoting them as low carbon footprint green hotels and by improving energy, water and waste management systems and reducing operation costs.

The Way Forward

  • The project has been promoted among target groups, stakeholders and selected SMEs;
  • Baseline surveys and baseline setting;
  • Advisory services, support and training for hotels in natural resource management and implementation of resource efficiency measures were delivered;
  • Resource Management Circles, monitoring the progress and dissemination of success stories were set up;
  • Suppliers of hotels and customers have been engaged to improve the enabling environment;
  • Recognition awards, a local sustainable tourism forum and participation in international sustainable tourism forums has been organised;
  • The greening of Sri Lanka hotels has been promoted in international markets.
11/2009 – 11/2013
Total Budget:
EUR 1,829,828 (EU Contribution: 80%)
Contact Detail:


Ms. Aruni Heenkenda


[email protected]

No. 48 Nawam Mawatha

Colombo – 02

Sri Lanka

Lead Partners

Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC ), Sri Lanka


Institute of Environmental Professionals of Sri Lanka

Institute of Environmental Professionals of Sri Lanka

Responsible Tourism Partnership of Sri Lanka

Responsible Tourism Partnership of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority

Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority

The Travel Foundation, UK

The Travel Foundation, UK


Impact Sheet