When: Thursday, 17th June 2021 I Time: 3:00 PM to 4:15 PM (IST)
The European Union launched the SWITCH-Asia programme with a mission to support the transition of Asian countries to low-carbon, resource-efficient and circular economies while promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns within Asia and greener supply chains between Asia and Europe. The programme aims at providing a platform to promote sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policies and practices in Asia and enhance the awareness and dialogue of local stakeholders. The SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility aims at strengthening the implementation of SCP policies at the national level. In continuation of the efforts in India, the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, requested technical assistance for translating policies into a plan of action for mainstreaming Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP), sustainable building and construction, water and waste management, in the Indian Railways system. In response to this request, a team of Senior Experts, Dr. Prasad Modak and Mr. Walter Kahlenborn, was set up in April 2020 to carry out a number of activities, including a scoping report, training of staff at Indian Railways and an Action Plan with an implementation guide focusing on SPP.
The objective of the workshop is to disseminate outcomes of the assignment including the SPP Action Plan and implementation guide and obtain feedback and suggestions on the way forward. The meeting will be facilitated by the SPP experts Dr. Prasad Modak, Executive President of the Environmental Management Centre, together with Mr. Walter Kahlenborn, Managing Director of adelphi.