SCP in Tourism

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SCP in Tourism
Location: Online
Organizer: RPAC - AIT
Opportunities and Challenges with COVID-19

Date: 8 October 2020     |      Time:  14:00 Bangkok Time ICT (Indochina time) UTC/GMT +7 hours     I       Watch Webinar  here                               


Background and Objectives


Although programmes for addressing behaviour change in and around the home are well developed, there has been significantly less attention paid to tourism activities, and its implications of consumption choices for leisure and travel. 

The tourism sector is one of the hardest hit sectors from Covid-19 and the global lockdown. As international travel has plummeted, tourism has suffered one of the largest downturns and resulted in significant changes in consumer behaviours and sustainable lifestyles.

Has this challenge emerged as an opportunity for us to incorporate Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns to build back better the tourism sector post-COVID19, or will the industries return to business as usual? 

The webinar would elaborate on the three aspects: 

1. Key COVID-19 Impacts, challenges, and opportunities for tourism; 

2. SCP opportunities to build back better and improve resilience of the tourism post COVID-19; 

3. The need to build circular models for production and consumption of food, and plastics in the tourism. 

All these three facets are cross-cutting and would reflect the Sustainable Lifestyles Approaches for SCP in Tourism. We aim to reflect upon the resilience and the mobilization of adaptive capabilities with the case studies and good practices. 

Target audience: 

Professionals at national, sub-regional and regional level for supporting development of various policies and practices to implement circular economy in line with the national roadmaps which are being developed. 


Key Messages



For more information on this event contact: 

Mushtaq Ahmed Memon 
Regional Coordinator for Resource Efficiency 
UN Environment Programme, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 
Project Manager 
Regional Policy Advocacy Component 
(SWITCH-Asia – the European Union funded programme) 
Email: [email protected]