Planning Workshop for a National Action Plan

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Planning Workshop for a National Action Plan
Location: Online
Organizer: SCP Facility
Plastics in Lao PDR

DATE:  7 July 2021      I        TIME:  9:00-12:00  (Lao PDR Time)


The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) Lao PDR has requested support from the World Bank and the EU SWITCH-Asia Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) facility for assistance in the development of the Government’s National Plastics Action Plan. Multiple activities have been carried out in 2020 to 2021, in partnership with MoNRE, to improve understanding of plastics pollution in the country and identify suitable measures to improve plastics management and reduce plastics pollution. World Bank supported plastic diagnostics, including the identification of priority plastic items leaking into the environment, and building on these results an assessment of high potential policy measures to reduce single-use plastics consumption and pollution. The EU SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility supported the development of a draft Policy Strategy Action Plan towards reducing Single-Used Plastics. These assessments have been developed with the purpose to provide a basis for the GOL/MoNRE for developing the National Plastics Action Plan.

With the agreement of the Leading Committee in MoNRE, a series of stakeholder consultations will be conducted in the development of a National Plastics Action Plan, with necessary support provided by World Bank and EU SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility. The first activity will be a Planning Workshop for a National Action Plan on Plastics with MoNRE.


The Event is led by: The Department of Planning and Finance (National Focal Point on SCP)

Participated by:

  • Department of Pollution Control
  • Department of Environment
  • Natural Resources and Environment Research and Statistic Institute
  • Other officials from relevant departments of the MoNRE
  • Members of the World Bank and EU SWITCH-Asia teams working on plastics and waste in Lao PDR

Format: Virtual meeting (platform to be arranged by World Bank) with participants joining remotely.

Languages: Lao and English with two-way simultaneous translation (to be arranged by World Bank).

Duration: 3 hours.

The key objectives of the workshop are to:

  1. present and discuss key findings of the plastic diagnostics;

  2. present and discuss findings and recommendations of the plastics policy assessments;

  3. discuss and determine priority plastic policies for initiation of stakeholder consultations and support and next steps on the development of a National Plastic Action Plan.