Access to Finance for SCP Practices by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in India

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Access to Finance for SCP Practices by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in India
Year: 2021
Language: English
Country: India
Finance Brief

Mainstreaming SCP is urgently needed in India. The harmful effects of unshackled economic growth in form of pollution and adverse impacts on health and prosperity are already visible today. Especially in India’s industrial and urban regions, air and water pollution levels are high, and directly affect the health and life prospects of hundreds of millions of people.

This briefing summarises main findings of a desk analysis, literature review and interviews conducted on the topic of access to finance for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) practices by SMEs in India. The analysis was conducted as part of work in support of the EU SWITCH-Asia programme, by the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility.