Home-based Workers and Entrepreneurs in Nepal Take Steps Towards COVID-19 Recovery

Home-based Workers and Entrepreneurs in Nepal Take Steps Towards COVID-19 Recovery

The Covid-19 pandemics has hit all countries hard, particularly low-income countries such as  Nepal. This crisis has also exposed pre-existing gaps in the system when it comes to responding to the needs of the most vulnerable sections of society, namely women, low-income families, marginalised communities, and other minority groups. Women, a major portion of the informal workforce are still facing isolation and challenges when it comes to their livelihoods and income generation. However, they are taking action. Leveraging their sewing skills, home-based workers, beneficiaries of the EU SWITCH-Asia PARYA Sampada Project, are playing an important role in COVID-19 response and recovery by producing personnel protection equipment (PPEs) and facemasks.

While the main objective of this project is to promote sustainable eco-tourism in the heritage settlement of Kathmandu Valley, priorities have shifted in response to the pandemics and have been redirected towards the empowerment of home-based workers in Nepal, through capacity building training programmes.



The Advanced Stitching Training took place during the COVID-19 first wave and was conducted by SABAH Nepal, one of the implementing partners of the PARYA Sampada project. 36 women have been successfully trained to produce: 25 sets of personal protection equipment, 50 litreof liquid soap, Harpic 30 litres, phenyl 30 litres, and 100 masks. These were handed to the LMC Ward- 22 representatives of Bungamati in April 2020. Moreover, during the second wave, home-based workers produced 1,000 facemasks for the front-line workers of the community of Bungamati. Ambir Shakya, ward chairperson of LMC-22 greatly appreciated the support that the EU SWITCH-Asia PARYA Sampada teams are providing to the local community.

Supporting Entrepreneurs


While millions of workers are still unemployed or underemployed since the outbreak of COVID-19, creation of jobs and supporting small and medium enterprises are a prerequisite for recovery and building forward better. 

Through its five-day Entrepreneurship Development Training (EDT) programme implemented by SABAH Nepal, the SWITCH-Asia PARYA Sampada project has also successfully trained 330 youths and women in the heritage settlements of Bungamati, Pilachhen, Chobar, Thankot, Balambu, Chapagaun, and Panga. Main aim of the training was to provide participants with the necessary entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to start their own businesses. Those who joined the programme had an interest in: agriculture, hospitality and restaurants, garments and tailoring, handicrafts, cosmetics and beauty, among others. Sanish Maharjan from Bungamati, one of the graduates of the training, opened the Zyapuz Café in his community. 

The training greatly boosted my confidence to start my own business. Previously, I was unaware of the know-hows of entrepreneurship and how to run a business. Now, I am fully aware of the full process and have prepared a solid business plan, said Sanish Maharjan. 

Together with its partners, the SWITCH-Asia PARYA Sampada project will continue to support small enterprises and train 600 entrepreneurs, paving the way for new opportunities for income generation and improving livelihoods in Nepal.  


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Photo credit:  © SWITCH-Asia PARYA Sampada