SWITCH-Asia is the largest long-running cooperation programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production of the European Union. Through the SWITCH-Asia Programme the EU works closely with its partners in the region to strengthen sustainable consumption and production policy and practice in various sectors. The programme has targeted SMEs and entrepreneurs in particular, as they are the backbone of the region’s economies.
The European Commission established the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility in 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand, to better facilitate coordination and implementation and to function as a backbone for the SWITCH-Asia Programme. The Facility is designed to provide a single platform for all SWITCH-Asia projects to maximize their results, to further promote SCP policies and principles, and to support the delivery of SDGs. Part of the work entails the assignment of technical and sector experts to support governments on implementing their policy objectives with regard to SDG 12, Sustainable Consumption and Production. In Pakistan, the building sector and waste and plastics management were chosen to work on.
The assignment on Green Buildings in Pakistan has been running since summer 2020. As part of the project, an analysis of the existing Policy Guidelines for a Green Building Code (GBC) in Pakistan has been carried out and further analysis of existing national and international codes and standards was prepared. Representative prototypes and models based on literature review have been consolidated into a consultation document intended to guide the process and writing of the new GBC. The expert team now proposes a roadmap for the development of a new GBC for Pakistan, which lays out how to successfully develop and implement such policy.
The aim of this 1-day multi-stakeholder workshop which will be held on 11th March is to further assess the implementation status of the country’s green building code and gain additional insights on how to improve the roadmap towards widespread acceptance and use of the GBC. It also seeks to facilitate the integration of SCP principles within the GBC.
Press Coverage
- Efforts on to introduce green building structures: Aslam (The Nation 2021)
- Efforts underway for energy efficient green building code: PM’s aide (Dawn 2021)
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