Consultation Workshop: Market Readiness Analysis

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Consultation Workshop: Market Readiness Analysis
Type: Meeting
Location: Indonesia
Organizer: SCP Facility
Ecolabel Certified Photocopy Paper Products and SVLK Certified Wooden Furniture

Since 2009, Indonesia has been actively pursuing sustainable consumption and production (SCP) through policy and implementation, including the strengthening and expansion of its Green/Sustainable Public Procurement (G/SPP) capacities.  

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has formally assumed the role of Indonesian national SCP focal point since 2013 and has been one of the initiators of G/SPP in Indonesia. KLHK is partnering with the SWITCH-Asia Programme through the SCP Facility and the GIZ Advance SCP, together with other government agencies, industry associations, and civil society groups to strengthen SCP policies through implementation of G/SPP focusing on two pilot industries, paper and wood furniture products. 

With the support of the SCP Facility, a draft Market Readiness Analysis Study Report for Ecolabel Certified Photocopy Paper Products and SVLK Certified Wooden Furniture has been prepared. This report will be presented at the Consultation Workshop scheduled on 17 November 2020. 


The objective of the workshop is to present the revised sustainability criteria for the public procurement and to inform about the main recommendations for a long-term action plan between government and industry to accelerate G/SPP in both mentioned product groups. 

More than 100 participants have been invited to attend, including government partners, industry representatives and service partners, relevant industry associations and current government suppliers, as well as a selection of sustainability oriented NGOs as third party witnesses and competent parties regarding environmental and social aspects along the supply chains.