Co-organizers: ASEAN Circular Economy Business Alliance; ARAIBA Sdn Bhd, and EU Delegation to Thailand
WHEN: 26 February 2025 I TIME: 11:15-12:30 (Bangkok Time) I Register HERE I Official Event Page
The Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) is an annual, inclusive intergovernmental forum to support follow-up and review of progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional level. This regional platform aims to inform, empower, and support Asia-Pacific countries (especially least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States) in their efforts to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their targets set out by the 2030 Agenda by identifying regional trends and sharing best practices and lessons learned. The Forum convenes United Nations system bodies, member States, international organisations, civil society, and other stakeholders whose reflections feed into and inform the 2025 High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York, which reviews sustainable development progress at the global level.
The 12th APFSD will be organized from 25 to 28 February 2025 under the theme: “Advancing sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs for leaving no one behind in Asia and the Pacific” at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand.
In alignment with the focus of the 2025 HLPF, the Forum will assess progress on the SDGs under review: Goal 3 (good health and well-being); 5 (gender equality); 8 (decent work and economic growth); 14 (life below water) and 17 (partnership for the Goals). The Forum will provide a platform and sessions to support countries presenting their voluntary national reviews at the 2025 HLPF.
Side Event:
The transition to circular economy in Southeast Asia has gained momentum providing new impetus for the economy, climate action and creation of fair and decent jobs and skills development. It also provides further benefits towards sustainable cities, clean water and health as well as spurring sustainable consumption and production (SCP) – indeed synergizing benefits across the broad SDG agenda. Moreover, forward looking, innovative businesses and other organisations have started to adopt circular economy practices and techniques, which in turn are catalysing business action towards the regional circular economy transition in Southeast Asia. The event will bring together policy makers and stakeholders to discuss the importance of aligning circular economy closely with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 8, which emphasizes fostering inclusive, sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all, SDG9 on innovation and SDG12 on sustainable consumption and production. Circularity concept and best practices are to be embedded in economic systems, governments, businesses, and communities to create a resilient, resource-efficient economy.
This side event will also discuss the scope, benefits, and experiences of mobilising and fostering collaboration through business leadership and action on circular economy in Southeast Asia and on how this could contribute to meeting commitments of the SDGs, particularly SDG 12, 8, 9 and 17 addressing the current triple planetary crisis.
Key questions:
- How can Circular Economy (CE) actions support the sustainability ambitions in Southeast Asia?
- How can CE policies and practices contribute to implementing SDGs 8, 9, 12, and 17, and their targets, specifically in fostering inclusive, sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all?
- How can regional and national CE policies contribute to supporting businesses, mainly Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), towards resilient, resource efficient, circular economies in the sub region?
- What are the experiences in Southeast Asia in mobilising and fostering collaboration through business leadership and action on circular economy and on how is this contributing to the commitments of the SDGs, particularly SDG 12, 8, 9, and 17?
- Increased awareness on role the importance of business leadership and action on circular economy as an essential tool for advancing the SDGs.
- Strengthened policy alignment of SDG 13 and 17 with SCP and CE strategies
This side event will discuss how to support the implementation of SDG 12, 8, 9 and 17 through partnerships with the business community. The key presentation will be delivered, addressing the intertwined issues of CE and its diverse contributions to advancing the SDGs. The panel discussion will build on the key presentation and discuss the challenges and opportunities to integrate circular economy strategies and practices. The recommendations from the event will inform possible interventions needed to support national governments and regional organisations in the ASEAN region on the uptake of SCP and CE approaches towards low-carbon, resource-efficient and circular economy.
Speakers/Discussants |
Presentations/Discussions |
Time |
Session moderator: Dr. Arab HOBALLAH, Senior SCP Expert for EU SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component (PSC) |
Background and Introduction of the side event. |
2 min |
Mr. Saroj SRISAI, Programme Officer (Cooperation Section), EU Delegation to Thailand |
Welcome Remarks: EU’s commitment to supporting Southeast Asia in the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and circular economy |
6 min
Mr Sudip Ranjan BASU, Chief of ESCAP Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) Section |
Accelerating business commitments towards circular economy to achieve the SDGs |
8 min |
Dr. Rene VAN BERKEL, Co-convenor of ACEBA; Senior Expert for SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component and Thammasat University |
ASEAN Circular Economy Business Alliance (ACEBA): an opportunity for partnerships supporting circular economy business practices for contributing to the SDGs |
8 min |
Moderator of Panel Discussion: Mr. Thomas THOMAS, Co-convenor ACEBA; Chairman, ARAIBA Sdn Bhd; and Senior Expert for SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component |
4 min |
Brief statement/answers to questions raised to panelists (TBC)
40 min
Closing/Summary |
Dr. Zinaida FADEEVA, Team Leader, EU SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component |
Closing remarks |
7 min |