Switch Off Air Pollution technical procedures included in new Thermal Insulation regulations

Switch Off Air Pollution technical procedures included in new Thermal Insulation regulations
Country: Mongolia
Advancing Policy Change in Mongolia

On August 13, 2020 the Mongolian Ministry of Construction and Urban Development amended its Construction Codes and Standards on Building Envelope Thermal Insulation for Mongolia. The new regulation, number 25-01-20, will come into force on 1st January 2021 and the technical procedures, including the Technical Assessment and Quality Monitoring Implementation Form developed by the SWITCH-Asia project Switch Off Air Pollution have also been included in these new government standards. 


The Mongolian Association of Civil Engineers under the chairmanship of Munkhbayar B., Director of the Building Energy Efficiency Center at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology and Switch Off Air Pollution’s principal technical advisor, are bringing Mongolian energy efficiency assessment methodology and construction energy certification standards in line with those used in the European Union.

In developing the Technical Assessment Form, the Switch Off Air Pollution project applied experience gained performing energy assessment and certification in Ulaanbaatar’s ger areas since 2019. The project will continue to use the form as it works towards achieveing its objective of insulating and retrofitting 1,000 houses in the ger district in order to reduce air pollution. The form has also been published so that others may contribute to the goal of a 30% reduction in emissions from burning coal as a source of heat and a 30% minimum increase in the energy efficiency of ger district houses.  

To make energy efficiency and pollution reduction more accessible, Switch Off Air Pollution has partnered with Xac Bank who will offer 30-month green loans at 8% interest to households who want to insulate their detached houses.  

From August 21-23, the SWITCH-Asia project is also participating at the Barilga Exhibition at Misheel Expo to share its experience and good practices.


For more information contact:

Odonchimeg Idersaikhan

Communication Officer, Switch Off Air Pollution 

[email protected]