Connecting the dots between actions and reporting

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Connecting the dots between actions and reporting
Webinar: SDG 12.1 Reporting for SWITCH-Asia Countries

On 5 November 2019, the SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC) and One Planet Framework organized the WEBINAR “SDG 12.1 Reporting for SWITCH-Asia countries – Connecting the dots between actions and reporting.” With the aim of supporting countries to report on SDG 12.1, 10YFP National Focal Points and SWITCH-Asia National Focal Points were brought to work together on integrating relevant information into the official reports. 

During the webinar, Ms. Luz Fernandez @switchasia, Regional Policy Advocacy Project Coordinator, emphasised the importance of reporting as a means to accelerate the implementation; share the challenges and lessons learned with others; and get international recognition. Regarding this last point, she said that “our countries are giving the wrong image of what they are doing to progress on the implementation of SCP. They need to report more and better to avoid detracting from their efforts.”

SWITCH-Asia RPAC, which is supporting SDG12 Reporting not only through this webinar but also through policy dialogues, specific trainings, knowledge products and national activities, focused its presentation on the need for countries to report again capturing new actions taken since the pilot exercise in 2017; and on providing examples of policies, guidelines, strategies and other instruments that “a lot of countries have in place but are not aware they can report on.”

On the other hand, in her presentation, Ms. Fabienne Pierre @oneplanet, who recognized SWITCH-Asia as “a key programme on SDG12 in the region,” set the focus on explaining how to report new policies though the One Planet Network platform, which has recently extended its deadline to report until the 6 January 2020. “It only takes 10 minutes to report a new policy, but it costs years of recognition not to,” she said.

Visit the Event page