Training for Government Stakeholders

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Training for Government Stakeholders
Type: Training
Location: Online
Organizer: SCPF
Status of Single-Use Plastics (SUP) in the Maldives

WHEN: 24th January, 2022      I     TIME:  10:30 - 13:30 (MVT)


This training is initiated as part of SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility’s assignment in support of the Government of the Republic of Maldives on the topic of plastics, particularly single-use plastics (SUP). 

The SWITCH-Asia programme provides a platform for partnerships and networks between Europe and Asia, supporting the implementation of national strategies and action plans on SCP practices. With the assistance of the European Commission, Asian countries are supported to transition towards low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular economies that contribute to poverty reduction. This is done by technical assistance provided by the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility and the Regional Policy Advocacy Component at government-level, and through the Grants Programme in support of the regions’ SCP-relevant entrepreneurs and SMEs. 

The objective of the assignment in the Maldives is to develop sustainable waste management policies and tools for minimizing and preventing SUP. Support is provided to improve the circularity of plastics in the tourism sector in line with SCP and circular economy policies in the Maldivian context, thereby providing technical expertise for implementing the Maldives SUP phase-out plan. The assignment is implemented by two experts, Mr. Helmut Krist and Mr. Midhath Rasheed. 


The purpose of this training is to provide government stakeholders with the findings of the assignment, and share information on best practices, technical solutions, and policy recommendations in the context of the Maldives for the prevention and reduction SUPs. Key insights from the discussions with government stakeholders will be captured to feed into the development of recommendations for the Maldivian government by the experts.