5th SWITCH-Asia Annual Conference

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5th SWITCH-Asia Annual Conference
Type: Conference
Location: Jakarta, Indone...
Organizer: SWITCH-Asia
Programme Steering Committee Meeting

WHEN: 9-10 October 2023       I       TIME:  8:30 - 18:00 (Jakarta)     I     WHERE:  Le Méridien Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia     



SWITCH-Asia is a programme funded by the European Union (EU). Active since 2007, it seeks to promote Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the region. Through its 2019 EU Green Deal and Global Gateway, the EU has further committed to supporting the transition of countries to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and circular economy. This has also strengthened the knowledge basis and momentum of the programme in supporting Asian countries’ SCP commitments as part of SDG 12 and the Paris Agreement. 

The programme consists of two components:

The Grant Component

Managed by the Directorate-General for International Partnerships of the European Commission, this component targets micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs). They are addressed through business organisations, research institutes and universities, and NGOs and consumer organisations willing to test and adopt more sustainable production and consumption processes, and improve the sustainability of their products.

Under this scheme, partnerships are established involving both organisations from the EU and from the region. The goal of this component is to facilitate the replication of sustainable production and consumption practices in MSMEs in the region. One hundred forty three projects were funded in the Asian region over a period of 15 years, implemented by consortia of Asian and European organisations. 

The Policy Support Component (PSC)

The PSC provides direct support to regional organisations, national governments and related implementing agencies in charge of policies and regulatory frameworks relevant to SCP. This is done in the form of on-demand advisory on scaling up SCP policy and implementation as well as through creating a platform for knowledge exchange, and building capacities of regional institutions. All activities rely on the strong engagement of partner countries and organisations in co-creating the requested policies, processes and other deliverables. Projects by the SWITCH-Asia PSC benefit several governments at once through a multi-country or regional approach. Managed by the EU Directorate General International Partnerships (DG INTPA), the PSC’s activities are implemented by GOPA and NIRAS.

Meetings Calendar 



PART I. Programme Steering Committee with EU Delegations and National Focal Points

9 October (morning)

PART II. Internal meetings with EU Delegations (closed doors)

9 October (morning)

 PART III.  Meeting of SWITCH-Asia Grant Projects (parallel session)

9 October (morning)

PART IV. Annual Conference

9 October (afternoon)

10 October (full day)


Annual Conference [Day 1] (13.30-18.00 pm)

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/96257023790?pwd=TEhTUVVVcjd0VGRVRTBETTdQSG1zdz09

Meeting ID: 962 5702 3790

Passcode: 508925

Annual Conference [Day 2] (9.00 am-17.30 pm)

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/93473563181?pwd=d2RoSFI4aGdoSlNXcmpLUG80YzNhZz09

Meeting ID: 934 7356 3181

Passcode: 191047


* For in-person participation, this event is invitation only 

For more information contact: 

[email protected]