4th SWITCH-Asia Annual Conference

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4th SWITCH-Asia Annual Conference
Type: Conference
Location: Bangkok, Thaila...
Organizer: SWITCH-Asia
Programme Steering Committee Meeting

WHEN: 22-23 September 2022       I       TIME:  9:00 - 18:00      I     WHERE:  Conrad Bangkok, Thailand 


Rapid economic growth in Asia and Central Asia has lifted many countries out of poverty. This has come at a cost of increased use of natural resources, growing GHG emissions and amounts of waste. Sustainability today is no longer simply about increasing efficiencies or complying with regulations. It is about making fundamental changes in the way business is done and the way the world consumes. Results can only be achieved rethinking our business models and supply chains and designing new consumption patterns.

Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) aims at improving the overall environmental performance of products throughout their life cycle, stimulates demand for better products and production technologies and helps consumers make informed choices. The European Union is committed to tackle these global challenges together with its partners in Asia and Central Asia.

Launched in 2007, its SWITCH-Asia programme has achieved more than a decade of progress on SCP in 24 countries in the region.

This has been possible through the joint efforts of the three SWITCH-Asia components:

  • The Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC) - implemented by UN Environment.

  • The Sustainable Consumption and Production Facility - implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and adelphi.

  • The SWITCH-Asia Grants Programme - directly managed by the Directorate-General for International Partnerships of the European Commission.

Meetings Calendar 




 PART I. Programme Steering Committee with EU Delegations and National Focal Points: Lessons learnt

 22 September (morning)

 PART II. Internal meetings with EU Delegations 

22 September (afternoon)

 PART III. Knowledge Exchange and Networking activities - WATCH THE STREAMING

22 September (afternoon)


23 September (full day)


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Nurzat Abdyrasulova

Nurzat Abdyrasulova is a Founder and General Director of Unison Group with over 20 years of professional experience in the area of renewable energy supply, energy efficiency, ‘green’ technology and finance, nature-based solutions, and sustainable consumption and production (SCP). Ms. Abdyrasulova is the leading expert on the EU SWITCH-Asia project in Kyrgyzstan on the promotion of SCP for the tourism sector, including the establishment of targeted Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy lending products for SMEs from local financial institutions. She is the author of Enhancing SCP Tools and Circular Economy Approach in the Building Sector with a Focus on Energy Efficiency and developed Green Building Guidelines through the Building Lifecycle and Value Chain for Kyrgyzstan.



Per-Olof Busch

Per-Olof Busch is Senior Researcher at adelphi, a leading and independent think-and-do tank in Europe for climate, environment and development. He leads projects on national and international environmental governance. Currently, his main topics are plastic pollution, circular economy and 2030 Agenda. He published studies and gave advice on different topics related to a global agreement on plastic pollution, namely its necessity and possible design; options to mobilize international and domestic financial resources from public and private actors; design features of a global science-policy interface on plastic pollution; economic opportunities for the upstream sector in the plastics life-cycle; and challenges, needs and opportunities of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the context of a global plastics agreement. He has also given input to and co-led stakeholder consultations in Asian countries with the aim to identify challenges, opportunities, solutions and common interests in the context of a global plastics agreement.



Sanjay Kumar

Sanjay Kumar is currently the Chief Materials Manager with Ministry of Railways, Govt of India. He has over two decades of governance and leadership experience in public policy, procurement & supply chain, and sustainability. Sanjay has extensive experience working with governments, NGOs, academia and multilateral agencies toward embedding sustainability in end-to-end procurement and led various initiatives in research, advocacy and implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) in India & abroad. He serves as a member on the National Task Force of Government of India on SPP; on Strategic Advisory Committee of Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC), Washington, USA; and as President, Board of Trustees of Asia-Pacific Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP), Bangkok, Thailand. He currently leads One Planet Network’s Interest Group on Sustainable Procurement in Construction/Infrastructure. His upcoming title “Understanding Sustainable Public Procurement” is the first comprehensive book on SPP providingin-depth analysis on the origins, nature and reality of the implementation of sustainable purchasing. 


Victor C. Abainza

Victor C. Abainza is currently a Senior Consultant of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) Consulting Group and Lead Adviser on Rural and SME Development Finance/Banking and Sustainable Development, which includes climate and green finance and renewable energy and clean energy technology and development. From January 2016-2019, he co-managed a four-year EU-SWITCH-Asia project on the “Promotion and establishment of an Asian Cleantech MSME Financing Networks in three target countries of China, Indonesia and India.” Its target beneficiaries included MSME enterprises/entrepreneurs in the clean energy sectors and the financial institutions in the 3 target countries that provided financial advisory services or developed climate finance products and services. He is presently doing a research on climate financing for post COVID recovery for UNCTAD and a case study on SME sustainable financing for Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD). He is a graduate of the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and holds a post-graduate diploma on Regional Industrial Development from the Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, The Netherlands.


Jawed Ali Khan

Jawed Ali Khan is a SWITCH-Asia Expert from Pakistan. He developed the National Action Plan for Sustainable Consumption and Production and Guidelines for Green Building Code for Pakistan. In addition, he also developed Green Building Guidelines for the Prime Minister’s 5 Million Housing programme. His work on Sustainable Consumption and Production has laid the foundation for development of the Green Building Code for Pakistan which aims at providing a legal umbrella for transformation of highly resource and material in-efficient building construction sector in Pakistan towards achieving increased resource efficiency in the value chain, opening new opportunities and market demand for green building products contributing to circular economy. Jawed Ali Khan holds a Post graduate degree in Human Settlements Planning and Post graduate Diplomas in Housing, Planning and building as well as in Environment and Climate Change from renowned International Universities and institutions including Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Erasmus University/ IHS the Netherlands, and Tufts University, Boston, USA.



Arab Hoballah

Arab Hoballah, Executive Director of SEED, a global partnership for action on green economy and sustainable development through green entrepreneurship. Previously, Arab occupied various senior positions for more than 30 years: Team Leader of EU-SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility, 2017-2021, UNEP Chief of Sustainable Consumption and Production, 2005-2016, Deputy Coordinator UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan, 1998-2005, and other senior positions in support to sustainable development. World Citizen, Arab is specialized in systemic and prospective analysis. He holds a PhD in economic development and graduated in international relations.





Anshuman Das

Anshuman Das is a Program Manager looking after Agriculture & Economic Development Portfolio at Welthungerhilfe. Under the EU SWITCH-Asia funded Bhoomi Ka project, Anshuman is working with the issues of ecological food - how food is produced, sold, distributed and cooked - the ecology and politics of it. He has an experience over two decades on managing program, designing and conducting courses and trainings for the farmers and change makers, setting up smallholder friendly markets. He is part of many local and global initiative and network which promotes alternatives - be it food or market.





Md Ashikur Rahman Joarder

Prof Md Ashikur Rahman Joarder, PhD is a Professor of Environment and Energy, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. He has about two decades of experience using ambient environment monitors and building simulations to improve visual, therapeutic, and safe environments of industrial, commercial and healthcare facilities. He is highly experienced in Green Architecture and Sustainable Building Design in Bangladesh and United Kingdom. He has more than 15 years of experience in Teaching and Learning Methods (including OBE and LMS). He was the National Expert (05/2021- 02/2022) of the project ‘Action Plan on SCP implementation in the housing and buildings sector in Bangladesh’ in collaboration with adelphi consult GmbH, Berlin, funded by the EU SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility along with The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Govt. of Bangladesh, Dhaka. 



Mark Draeck 

Since 2021 Mark Draeck acts as the Chief Technical Advisor on the EU and Finland funded SWITCH2CE project to support circular economy practices in the plastic, textile and ICT value chains, with country focus on Bangladesh, Egypt, Morocco and Vietnam. Mark joined UNIDO in Vienna, Austria in 2010 as an Industrial Development Officer in the Department of Energy, and managed a portfolio of technical cooperation projects in Africa, Asia, MENA and Eastern Europe on renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency practices, electric mobility and sustainable cities. Before joining UNIDO, Mark worked as an Energy Policy Advisor for the Flemish Government in Brussels, Belgium, and as a Carbon Group Manager in the consulting sector in London, UK.



Jakub Smutny 

Jakub Smutny is the Head of Programs at People in Need Cambodia (PIN). In this role, he oversees PIN’s programming portfolio that includes the EU-funded Switch to Solar project focuses on building market for productive applications of solar technology in Cambodia’s agri-fishery value chains. Previously, he led PIN’s country program in Nepal and managed food security & livelihoods projects in South Sudan. He has over 5 years of SCP experience with his current work focusing mainly on integrating renewable energy into sustainable and climate-resilient market models.




Denis Schaefer

Team Leader of the EU SWITCH-Asia funded Prevent Plastics Myanmar project. He attained a history of working in top management positions in an international garment industry's South East Asia operation, promoting sustainable production patterns from supply chain management to ethical working conditions and eco-friendly production manners. Denis dedicates his effort to achieving sustainable waste management systems in SMEs and industries and supporting the capacity-building measure through awareness raising & education with his current project team. His ambition is to create a safe and clean environment for the future generation in Myanmar, along with his newly born baby girl, to grow up acknowledging the value of sustainability and knowing how to preserve the planet earth. 



Wai Wabo

Positioning as a Communication Expert at the EU SWITCH-Asia Prevent Plastics project, Wai Wabo's profession and passion harmonise to promote SCP actively. She has over five years of experience in enhancing the communication of the EU cooperation & value in the Myanmar business sector. Environmental Activists at heart advocating for single-use plastic reduction from an individual behavioural switch level to nationwide. Walking toward zero waste with her utmost ability by practising what she preaches.





​​​​​​Thomas Thomas

Thomas played an integral role in the set-up of ASEAN Corporate Social Responsibility Network (ACN) in 2010 and as CEO, continues to provide oversight and strategic direction for the organisation.  ACN was established to promote and enable responsible business conduct in ASEAN Member States. ACN is the responsible and inclusive business champion with the ASEAN Business Advisory Council. They developed a Code for Responsible and Inclusive Business and is building up the ASEAN Responsible and Inclusive Business Alliance (ARAIBA) to be the region’s network of businesses supporting responsible business conduct. Thomas is driving this initiative. He has extensive experience in CSR and responsible business conduct, serving on various initiatives in the region and globally. He lead the baseline research on Sustainable Consumption and Production in 2020. Prior to ACN, he was the founding Executive Director of the Singapore Compact for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), now operating as the Global Compact Network Singapore. Thomas had been active with trade unions, co-operatives, the consumer movement and social enterprises and also served as a Nominated Member of Parliament in Singapore.



Daniel Neyer 

Dr.techn. Daniel Neyer is senior researcher at the Unit of Energy Efficient Building at University of Innsbruck, Austria. In this role he is Project Manager of the SWITCH-Asia founded Projekt BEEN – Building Energy Efficiency in Nepal. Further he is Managing Director at neyer brainworks an certified consulting engineering office for renewable energy, building services and energy efficient buildings. 2021 he co-founded and serves as Managing Director of the social enterprise – TWIGA Sun Fruits, which is providing turnkey solar heating/cooling off-grid solutions for the agrifood sector. Currently building up an organic pineapple drying manufactory in Uganda. He is an mechanical & renewable energy engineer holding a PhD in technical sciences and gathered more than 15 years of R&D and professional experience in SCP relevant topics. His focus is on assessment, benchmarking and development of innovative solar heating and cooling systems in combination with energy efficient buildings and processes. 


Sarangoo Ukhnaa

A Textile Engineer with a Doctor's degree in Engineering Science from the Universite de Haute Alsace with 15 years of experience in wool and cashmere sector including executive positions in major cashmere producers i.e Goyo LLC. Currently, Sarangoo Ukhnaa is a Project manager at the “Agronomes Veteniraires Sans Frontiere” INGO, representative office to Mongolia to build the sustainable cashmere value chain and support sustainable cashmere export and sales from Mongolia. Connecting the passions of her youth in academia and engineering knowledge into the business practice qualifies her as a valuable asset in the cashmere industry. Her responsibilities are to manage the EU SWITCH-Asia STeP EcoLab Project (Sustainable Textile Production and Eco-Labeling in Mongolia) aiming to support Mongolian textile industries to adopt environmentally friendly sustainable practices in its production cycle and as a whole value chain. 




Jessica Weir

Jessica Weir is an expert in the field of energy and climate economics and energy efficiency, more specifically in the buildings and tourism sectors. She seeks to improve the market for green buildings by providing capacity building support in the development and financing of energy efficient buildings. This goes hand-in-hand with her notable experience in providing technical support for the development of green building codes and criteria for sustainable & green buildings. Jessica sees the importance of climate and energy economics in guiding policy recommendations for the buildings sector, and works to enable knowledge exchange between key stakeholders in order to implement sustainable consumption and production in this context.



Katharine Thoday 

Principal Environment Specialist at the Asian Development Bank, Katharine's focus is on increasing public and private climate and nature positive investments in ADB operations. In support of ADB's Healthy Ocean Action Plan she has been developing opportunities in the regenerative aquaculture space as well as supporting the development of thematic bonds. Prior to joining ADB Katharine worked in South and South East Asia developing projects that promote sustainable supply chains, the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and as an environment and climate advisor with the UK Government.




Mijidsuren Chimeddorj 

Mijidsuren Chimeddorj is the Project Manager of the EU SWITCH-Asia Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Mongolia project. She started working for Caritas Czech Republic in Mongolia at the start of the project in May 2020 and has since been working in the waste management and recycling sector. This is her first project role and involvement on SCP topics and the focus is on circular economy and waste reduction through building capacities of MSMEs, creating the legal environment to promote plastic recycling and raising awareness on all levels. 





Mushtaq Ahmed Memon 

Dr Mushtaq Ahmed Memon is a Regional Coordinator for Chemicals and Pollution Action Subprogramme with the United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. He is Pakistani national, and he is working with UNEP since 1 April 2005 for more than 17 years including 12 years at UNEP-IETC for water and sanitation, and waste management; and 5 years at UNEP-ROAP. He leads UNEP’s COVID-19 Response on COVID-19 waste management, He is also Project Manager of the EU-funded SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC). He supervises GO4SDGs in the region. He led the Low-Carbon Lifestyle Challenge Startups. He completed his PhD in Japan and a MSc in the UK. He published papers in international journals, participated in major global events, and delivered various training programmes.


Melanie Kengen

Melanie Kengen started her career working with civil society organisations. She was in charge of institutional co-financing and partnership on projects in Latin American, Africa and Asia. In 2007, she joined the European Union Delegation in India where she worked on various aid modalities such as budget support, grants or technical assistance. In 2015, posted in Brussels, she specialised in blended finance, which at this time, started gaining momentum but was also relatively new to many development actors and partner countries. Since then, she has been closely involved in the management of investment facilities funded by the EU. With investment facilities and risk sharing mechanisms, the EU called for new partnerships, notably mobilising private resources and applying innovative financing models, for achieving the SDGs. Under the Asia and Pacific Unit of DG International Partnership (INTPA), from EU Bangkok office, she supports EU Delegations of the region in the initiation and implementation of the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD +). She liaises with EU Financial Institutions (FIs) and regional FIs, main implementers of blending projects for the EU.



Rene van Berkel

Dr René Van Berkel is currently the Representative and Head of the Regional Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in India. In this role he is responsible for industry and government advocacy and coordination of UNIDO technical assistance portfolio on inclusive and sustainable industrial development, covering energy and resource efficiency, renewable energy, innovation, digitalization and circularity and MSME development. Previously he served amongst others in thematic leadership roles on resource efficient and cleaner production in UNIDO and as Professor of Cleaner Production at Curtin University of Technology in Australia. René has a three decade track record of pioneering and implementing SCP techniques, practices and policies in manufacturing and other productive sectors in Asia (including India, Indonesia, China, Viet Nam, Bangladesh and Myanmar) and globally. 


Rogier van Mansvelt

Rogier van Mansvelt engaged with GGGI three month ago as the project lead for the Switch Garment project. Almost 20 years ago, he relocated to Cambodia from the Netherlands. He started to work for GERES with solar cookers, biogas and cookstoves and become a renewable energy consultant for UNDP, World Bank, ADB and IFC. About 10 years ago, Rogier moved to the private sector to work for a private investment company in renewable energy as CTO and CEO, and over the last 6 years he worked as an engineer and business development manager at one of the leading engineering companies on solar and renewable energy in Asia. He holds an environmental master's degree from the Utrecht University, and he can speak English, Dutch and Khmer fluently. The Cambodian SWITCH-Asia project has four components, policy influence, monitoring and evaluation, factory audits and ESCO facilitation and finance. Currently we have completed 50 factory audits and are presentation the opportunities for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. 



Sam Gray 

Sam works with Rare’s Centre for Behavior project managing ‘Pride on our Plates’ – a SWITCH-Asia project that seeks to tackle food waste amongst MSME’s in China through the application of proven food waste solutions and behavioral insights. Within Rare, Sam also works on both public fundraising and policy, with a focus on areas related to Behavior Change. Prior to joining Rare, Sam was working at a food awareness organisation, with responsibility for the project management of a Horizon 2020 funded project, alongside helping the organisation strengthen their efforts in working alongside corporate partners from across the food industry. Originally from the UK and now based in Berlin, Sam brings experience in managing international, non-profit projects funded by both European and UK donors. 


Sanjoy Sanyal

Sanjoy Sanyal is a SME Finance Expert focusing on South Asian and South East Asian countries. He works on issues related to Technology and Innovation, Business and Finance, especially in the SME context. For adelphi, he contributes as Senior Associate to different projects in the fields of clean tech innovation, energy efficiency and green finance. Sanjoy is the founder of Regain Paradise Research Consulting, a boutique cleantech consulting firm. He has been instrumental in helping the New Ventures India program develop a strong network of institutional investors and also been able to help early stage green entrepreneurs raise impact capital. As an entrepreneur, he has co-founded and run Aesthetic Technologies, an e-learning content development company, which had major Indian and international firms as its clients and received venture capital funding from Indian investors. He has a post graduate degree from the Indian Institute of Management, Joka and a Bachelor of Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.


Niall O’Connor

Niall O’Connor brings a wealth of experience to the Stockholm Environment Institute, having worked in government, academia and non-government organizations. He became SEI Asia Director in 2016, adding over 20 years of environment and development senior leadership, programme management and academic capacity to the organization. His commitment to environment and development has strong roots: As an undergraduate Niall interned in Kenya, where he developed his passion for the kind of forestry that integrates with the interests of local communities. He later returned to Africa for his Master’s agroforestry fieldwork in partnership with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). After a period of advising on farm forestry with the Irish agricultural agency, Teagasc, Niall again returned to Africa to work with the Agroforestry Research Unit for the Government of The Gambia. There, he initiated research programmes to generate agroforestry systems suited to sub-Saharan Africa’s agroecological zones.



Dwayne Appleby 

Dwayne Appleby is Programme Manager and Senior Policy Researcher for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).  He joined IGES in 2020 and his work supports technical assistance projects in South East Asia focused on circular economy, cleaner production, and SCP.  Dwayne also sits on the Coordination Desk of the One Planet Network’s Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme, supporting projects globally to advance sustainable living at the local and national level. Previously, he has worked in Canada with business and local governments in developing policies and business models that support the emergence of an enabling environment for sustainable lifestyles. Dwayne has worked for more than 12 years on issues of sustainable consumption and production and has a strong background in international development, political economy, innovation, and demographics.





Melody Melo-Rijk 

Melody has 15 years of diverse work experience, with special focus on sustainable consumption and production, sustainable food systems, sustainability in the hospitality and tourism sector, human and planetary health promotion and integration among others. She has joined WWF Philippines as a project manager leading the country’s very first ever sustainable consumption and production project with the focus on the food service and hospitality sector in the country as “The Sustainable Diner: A Key Ingredient for Sustainable Tourism” funded by German Environmental Ministry through their International Climate Initiative, implemented in Southeast Asia and South America. She is now leading an EU SWITCH-Asia Project for sustainable tuna management and alternative livelihoods in Mindoro, Philippines- Mindoro Strait Sustainable and Equitable Tuna for Bankability. She is both licensed in the Philippines as an Environmental Planner and as a Nutritionist Dietitian with a Master’s degree in Business Administration.



Jens Kristian Norgaard 

As Key Export on Circular Economy and Sustainable Consumption and Production for the SWITCH to Green Facility (with DG INTPA F2), Jens Kristian Norgaard supports DG INTPAs strategy for the transition towards a circular economy in EU Partner Countries. He is providing support on the implementation of the SWITCH to Green Initiative and promotion of the EUs Green Economy agenda, including activities under the EU SWITCH Programme. He has been involved in the development of the SWITCH-Asia Programme since 2006, as an expert on Sustainable Consumption and Production, especially, in the context of Private Sector Development and the priority focus on greening of SMEs.






Davaajargal Batdorj

Davaajargal Batdorj is an environmental economist and has managed various projects in the development sector. Currently she works as the Deputy project manager at Geres Mongolia INGO, leading the 4 consortium members in the implementation of the EU SWITCH-Asia Switch Off Air Pollution in Mongolian cities project. Previously from 2018-2022, the Switch off Air pollution project was implemented in Ulaanbaatar city to develop market based delivery model on the newly developing insulation market. In continuation of this pilot project, within the 4 years until 2026, the aim is to scale up and replicate the good practices in other cities of Mongolia. 





Abdulla Nazeer

Dr. Abdulla Nazeer’s main key area of expertise is policy, planning and management. He headed the Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Education for several years when he was the Minister of State for Education. He was the chief negotiator from MoE to finalise the United Nations sustainable development goals from 2013 to 2015. The establishment of environment clubs in all schools and plastic free school initiatives in Maldivian education system were a couple of the projects that he has initiated. He was also appointed to oversee the school digital project implementation in 2017 to establish paperless classrooms in Maldives.  Now Dr Nazeer works as the project manager to implement the Prevention of Marine Litter in the Lakshadweep Sea (PROMISE) project supported by the European Union (EU) under the SWITCH Asia Programme.




Abhishek Jani

Abhishek is currently working as the CEO of the Fairtrade India Project at the Centre for Social Markets. In this role he has been leading a team responsible for building a Fairtrade SCP platform for consumers, businesses and farmer organizations in India. Abhishek has been working in the areas of building sustainable food and fashion value chains in India for over 12 years. From working with farmer organisations to adopt sustainable production practices to building sustainable supply chains across the food and textiles sector to running campaigns and programmes for youth engagement with sustainable consumption, Abhishek has been a strong advocate for mainstreaming SCP in India. Prior to joining the Fairtrade India project, Abhishek headed Navdanya’s Organic and Fair Trade marketing division and has worked in diverse private sector roles from Financial Services to Marketing consultancy to advising start-ups on their business plans.


Zafar Makhmudov

Zafar's main areas of professional expertise and activities are related to mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation into national development plans and strategies, integration of circular economy, and Sustainable Consumption and Production at national, and regional levels. Prior to joining CAREC, he served as the Head of the Project Implementation Unit at the Committee for Environment Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, where he coordinated projects on natural resource management at all levels of their implementation, including project development, structuring, negotiation, execution and monitoring, carried out in close cooperation with a number of international development partners, donor community and multilateral development banks by providing access to climate and environmental funds supported by the National Coordinator. Until April 2019, Zafar served as the Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the Committee on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. As a member of the Board of the Climate Investment Funds and Co-chair of the Pilot Program Committee for Climate Resilience, he has advanced experience in managing and preparing National Adaptation Plans, national adaptation strategies for Climate Change, National Environmental Plan and extensive experience in representing the Government of Tajikistan at negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


*This event is invitation only 

For more information contact: 

Ms. Pawinee Chindasri 

Events Manager, SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility

[email protected]