SCP in Mongolia

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SCP in Mongolia
Year: 2020
Language: English
Country: Mongolia
Enhancing Knowledge and Awareness Raising on Policies, Instruments and Practices

The SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility is providing support on strengthening Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) to the Government of Mongolia (GOM) in the period 2019-2021. Mongolia has a long record in sustainable development policy, actually making reference already in the Constitution. One of the key elements for achieving sustainable development is the transition towards SCP, and the GOM is committed to promote and enhance SCP patterns in Mongolia. The present study presents the findings from a baseline study of the SCP status in Mongolia, carried out over a period of six months, from October 2019 to March 2020. The study has comprised review of a multitude of documents and more than 50 interviews and a national workshop with stakeholders with relations to the SCP topic. The study presents the existing SCP-related policies and regulation. It also has identified some regulatory instruments introduced to strengthen, among others, waste management and the environmental performance of key business sectors. Increased SCP awareness and competences are among the stakeholders’ key objectives and the study therefore includes a dedicated communication and awareness raising section clearly spelling out the path towards awareness raising and capacity building. To enable the Mongolian society to draw from best international experience with SCP related programs and interventions, a final section introduces international experience and strategies that have demonstrated effective primarily in peer countries.